UPDATE - Special invitation to Nairobi, Kenya
My first day at St. Anne’s Girl High School was great. The girls were very welcoming and eager to learn. We reviewed some Solfège exercises and worked on some rhythm calls and responses. Lastly, I taught them a song, “Kokoleoko,” with movement.
Today, I only had twenty minutes for class. The girls wanted to be introduced to the recorders. So, we did the fastest recorder lesson ever, learning three notes (B-A-G), culminating in a blues number I made.
Today was assembly day at St. Anne’s. Afterward, several students gathered around me and wanted me to sing and play a song, which I agreed to if they joined me. I call it “After the Assembly Jam.” We had a blast!!!
Today at Kapkemich Primary and Junior Secondary, I taught the students, “God is so good.” I requested that they sing it in their native tongue, Swahili, which they did.